我眼中的ASD特殊兒童家長之所以很厲害的11個理由-Patricia Cheng 翻譯
1. 他們從來沒想到『做這一切』需要作這麼多,但是他們卻不但做到了,還做了更多。
Because they never thought that "doing it all" would mean doing this much. But they do it all, and then some.
Because they never thought that "doing it all" would mean doing this much. But they do it all, and then some.
Because they've discovered patience they never knew they had.
3. 他們願意作某件事情10次,甚至1000次,只要這樣可以讓他們的孩子學會這件新的事物。
Because they are willing to do something 10 times, 1,000 times if that's what it takes for their kids to learn something new.
4. 他們已經聽到醫生所宣判的最壞結果,但卻拒絕放任自己的孩子走向這個結果。
Because they have heard doctors tell them the worst, and they've refused to believe them.
5. 他們也有狀況不好的崩潰的時候、尖叫握拳憤怒的情緒,但是事後他們仍振作,繼續前行。
Because they have bad days and breakdowns and bawl fests, then they pick ourselves up and keep right on going.
6. 他們仍每天將自己打理妥當,並得體的出門,即使僅僅是穿著運動褲,都可以散發出迷人的風采。
Because they manage to get themselves together and out the door looking pretty damn good. Heck, they even make sweatpants look attractive.
Because they are strong. Who knew they could be this strong?
8. 他們不僅僅是母親、父親、妻子、丈夫、清潔工、司機、廚師和擁有工作的男人女人,他們也同時身兼物理治療師、語言治療師、職能治療師、老師、護理師、研究人員、教練和啦啦隊長。
Because they aren't just moms, dads, wives, husbands, cleaners, chauffeurs, cooks and women and men who work. They are also physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, teachers, nurses, researchers, coaches and cheerleaders.
9. 他們比任何人都瞭解他們的孩子,儘管孩子可能無法說話,無法使用肢體語言,或是看著他們的眼睛,他們就是知道孩子的需求,他們就是知道。
Because they understand their kids better than anyone else does - even if they can't talk or gesture or look them in the eye. They know. They just know.
10. 在事情看起來進行的一切順利時,總是會突然出現阻礙,但是他們總是可以面對處理,儘管需要被處理的狀況可能看起來是如同腦袋和心臟都要爆掉那麼糟…
Because just when it seems like things are going OK, they're suddenly not, but they deal. They deal even when it seems like their heads or hearts might explode.
11. 當他們看著自己的孩子時,他們只會看到那麼棒的孩子,而不是背著各種特殊標籤(腦性麻痺/自閉症/唐氏綜合症/ ADHD /發育遲緩)的特殊兒童。
Because when they look at their kids they just see great kids. Not kids with cerebral palsy/Autism/Down syndrome/ADHD/developmental delay/whatever label.
以上感謝Patricia Cheng 翻譯: